
We are Lucky Ducks!

I am feeling so lucky and blessed right now. As Ben and I sat in our cozy apartment last night sipping red wine and listening to music, me reading a magazine and Ben browsing a cookbook, it hit me that we are finally where we want to be. I realized how much help and support we have had along the way to reach this point, and how special it is to have the chance to be newlyweds exploring a brand new city - and a truly interesting and beautiful city, at that.

After years of dating long distance and Ben traveling constantly for work, it feels like we will finally have the normal life we have always sought. It is odd, perhaps, that we had to travel thousand of miles for this sense of normalcy, but it suits us. I would not have it any other way.

I was thinking about those goofy magazine personality quizzes - they often ask, "what is your idea of a perfect Sunday?" I always have a much more detailed response than the options given, and yesterday was a play-by-play demonstration of what I hope for out of the weekend.

We spent the morning walking around our new neighborhood, hiking some trails in a nearby park, and playing with Bosco in the river. It was sunny and close to 60 degrees, unseasonably warm for November in Calgary. Next up was the Calgary Farmer's Market, a sensory overload of organic and local produce, food samples, home-made soups and sauces and more. It was a foodie's heaven, and I was soaking it all in. We topped off our gastro-indulgences with a visit to the neighboring wine shop, which was complete with a laid-back tasting counter. Now Ben was in heaven, too.

Bags loaded with colorful fruits and veggies, local honey, organic Alberta beef for Ben and several bottles of wine, we headed home to cook what was possibly the best dinner we've had since arriving in Canada. You just can't beat fresh, simple ingredients.

I can't wait to continue to explore as we settle in here. Ski season is almost upon us, so that will be the next big adventure! Below are a few photos of our visit to the park, not to mention our Friday night Halloween celebration ...

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