
Canada's Answer to Bowling...

Ben and I finally tried one of Canada's most emblematic pass times - curling! We went with a company outing, so were given a quickie lesson and played several rounds. We were off to a rocky start, with Ben arriving in loafers and me in two-inch boots, thinking we'd rent shoes just like in bowling. Not the case! We had to run home and get tennis shoes. Then you get a slick, plastic footie that straps onto one foot, which allows you to slide on the ice when pushing off your rock (the big round things that slide down the ice, as Ben demonstrates in this pic!).

Curling is definitely harder than it looks, and ice is not forgiving!! I took several falls, and have a bruise on my rear to show for it! Everything in Canada just seems more likely to cause injury, whether it's basic outdoor sports, hobbies or just walking down the street on a snowy day!

Though I doubt we'll be going back every weekend, curling was a fun way to while away a rainy day (yes, it finally rained here - the first I've seen in Calgary). It's a social sport complete with cheap beers and snacks, and we were all beginners so kept a leisurely pace. Here I am, very focused on not falling as I take my turn! (Wish we had some better pics of us curling, but these are the best we could do - I guess we were just moving too fast to catch us on film!)

Our friends Greg and Angie had arranged the event and hosted an awesome dinner at their place afterward, which went late into the evening. I think everybody was drowning their sorrow that the Flames lost to Chicago 5-1 last night. I hope they can come back tomorrow, or I think it's all over!

As I write, it's just started snowing again, and is meant to continue for the next several days. Even people who have lived here their whole lives are really getting fed up with this unusally long winter - it's almost May ... I beg you, weather Gods, give us some warmth!!

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